Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The things we take for granted

Tuesday - November 12, 2013

In all the other years that I’ve been traveling to Africa, I’ve always had some company.  Russ Schmitt has traveled with me every year since the first year I came in 2007.  I’ve also traveled with Missionary David Koenig, Larry and Loren Hansen, my brother Stephen, as well as two different Mission Board Chairmans (Bruce Naumann and Todd Ohlmann).  I’ve always had someone there to assist with the work, from preaching and teaching to running basic errands.  This year is different.  Very different.  I knew before I came that this year was going to be more difficult being here alone.  I always pack my schedule as full as I possibly can, because I have so little time here.  There is very little downtime.  This year I have been exhausted.  In past years I’ve taken for granted the assistance that others have provided.  Now I appreciate it because it isn’t there.

It’s simply amazing the things we take for granted, isn’t it?  And it is a shame that we don’t come to appreciate it until it is no longer there or is taken away.  One more evidence of our old sinful nature....

There are many benefits to spending several weeks in Africa.  One of those benefits is that you begin to see all the things you have been taking for granted.  I’d like to share some of those with you today.  Maybe you have come to take these blessings for granted too.  And hopefully, because of this post you won’t have to travel to Africa to appreciate the things, both large and small, that we in the United States have been blessed with.  Here is a brief list of examples:  

1.  Bug repellent
This was a 6" centipede that found it's way into my room in Makanya.  I thought it was a snake when I first saw it! 

2.  Silverware
This was my meal one night at a restaurant in Moshi.  It was roasted meat and "chips."  It was good but I had to eat it with my fingers.

3.  Public road system  
This was a dirt road we traveled by motorcycle over 18 miles to visit one of the congregations in the Makanya area.  The local pastor makes this trip several times a week. 

4.  A washer and dryer
Yes, I do my own laundry... in a bucket... and then hang it out to dry wherever I can find room.

5.  Air conditioning

It has been hot and humid in Tanzania this year, which is somewhat unusual for this time of year.  But this is the only solution for the heat here....

 6.  Drinking water
I grew up in Nebraska which has some of the best tap water in the world (Eau Claire, Wisconsin isn't bad either), but you don't want to drink water out of the tap here unless you want to get very sick.  

7.  Public Transportation
Think your city's public transportation is bad?  Try Africa!  It works, but it sure isn't comfortable.  It is not unusual to get on a bus that has been overbooked.  There are people sitting in the aisles, doubling up on seats and even standing for miles upon miles!

8.  Toilets
Ah... who could take toilets for granted?  Try a squat pot for a while and you'll have a new appreciation for the throne!

9.  Your family
As hard as it is to believe, we even take our families for granted.  When was the last time you gave your son or daughter a hug and told them that you love them?  Don't wait any longer - do it today! 

10.  Your spouse
It is a very sad thing, but probably the one thing we take for granted the most is one of the greatest gifts God has given us in our spouse.  A helper, companion, and friend, there is no greater earthly blessing than your spouse.  Don't take him or her for granted!  

*  Receiving Honarable mention, but without any pictures were:

Garbage Collection - garbage here is collected at the end of the day be property owner, swept into a pile in the street and then set on fire in the evening.

Consistent power - The power here continues to be a problem.  Business owners who want to keep customers own generators for when the power goes out.  In fact, as I write this post the power is out in Moshi and I am working under lights powered by a generator!

“Oh, that men would give thanks to the LORD for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men!  For He satisfies the longing soul, And fills the hungry soul with goodness” (Psalm 107:8-9).


Debra Mayhew said...

You didn't mention allergy medicine! I can safely say a toilet is one thing I never take for granted...that and a hot bath! But those things aren't as important as family and sadly, we're all guilty of taking our loved ones for granted at times. It's good to be reminded from time to time that we have so many more blessings than we deserve.

Ann Duncan said...

Thanks for all your wonderful posts. Tears filled my eyes when I saw the pictures of all your children and I realized how difficult it must be for you to be away from them. I also am thankful for the telephone (sometimes) because I can talk to loved ones. Yes. I am thankful for the wonderful husband that God has given me. What a Joy it is just to sit in church with your spouse. Many wives and husbands don't have that. God bless you and keep you. Have a safe trip home!

sega31098 said...

That was a millipede, not a centipede.