Our bus shuttle left the hotel at 6:45, right on time (we are not used to that at all after 4 weeks in Africa). We were at the airport by 7:00am and made it through the ariport and customs in record time (surprisingly, there was no security for us to go through here) so we were ready in plenty of time. We decided to sit down at the food court and get something for breakfast. After finishing our sandwhiches and danish we walked down to the gate to wait for our boarding gate to open.
The Airbus 330 that brought us home!
By 10:30am we were at crusing altitude over England and pointed in the right direction. "Go West young man..." It was very cloudy for the entire trip so there was very little of the very big Atlantic Ocean to see. Too wired to even try to sleep, even though I wanted to.
This was a nie hour flight, but we gained 7 hours from Amsterdam to Minneapolis, so it was just a little after 12:00pm that we arrived back on US soil once again. What a nice feeling!
Our families were all waiting for us there: Nancy and Amanda were waiting for Larry, Jenn, Isaac and Alex were there for Russ, and Debra had come with her mom and dad as well as all our kids. It was sure good to see them all again! When Mark first saw me, he hesitated and must have been thinking "You look familiar, but I can't place your name off hand!" Thankfully, it didn't take him too long to warm up to me again.
We are heading to St. Louis area tonight. The hotel there was nice enough to move our reservation from last night to tonight, so we are thankful for that. Then tomorrow we will finish up the trip back to Atlanta.
Thank you all for your many prayers over the past month. Surely, the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much. We thank the LORD for our brethren here in the US and throughout the world who have assisted us in our work this year with your prayers and with your bounties. We thank the LORD for his guidance and protection over the past four weeks, for us, for those travelling with us, for our families who have been without us here at home, and for those in our churches here in the states. May the LORD continue to bless the preaching of His Word throughout the world, and may he keep us faithful to it!
In His service,
"I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest" (John 4:35).
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