Tuesday, October 28, 2008

October 23rd - Etago seminar

Thursday, October 23, 2008

When I awoke this morning everyone was already up and going. Even the kids were outside working on different chores. Various animal sounds filled the air. Cows and roosters went about their business as well. I did some reading and preparing for the days activities while waiting for Enosh. When he was finished Elizabeth brought in some buttered bread and tea for breakfast. We visited over our meal about more church matters and then headed off to school. Before leaving I thanked Elizabeth for everything she had done while I was there.

We came to school and awaited the beginning of the church seminars which were scheduled for the day. While waiting I worked on my presentation. But I also took some time to play with the younger children. We played tag (I was the monster that had to tag everyone)and sang some songs. They are so intrigued by the Muzungus (white people)! When I would go outside, they all followed me out. When I came back inside, they all followed me back in! It was hard to get things done. Even after their classes started I would see young faces sticking their heads through the open windows to see what I was doing!

Finally, the men started showing up. At 10:30 Bruce arrived. Russ had stayed behind in Kisii because he had some things he wanted to get done and because he was feeling a little under the weather. Hopefully the rest will do some good. When Charles and Bruce arrived we found out they had another flat on the way to Etago. So Charles went back into Etago town to see about getting the tire fixed while we began the leaders seminar.

We had a total of 23 men in attendance. After an opening prayer Bruce began with his study on Biblical covenant theology (the same one he had done in Mombasa). After that I gave a presentation of the church calendar. We went through all the seasons of the church year from Advent to Trinity and I explained their meaning and purpose. I also handed out a pericope of Scripture readings that I explained could be used in the churches as an aid to preaching the whole counsel of God.

Since lunch was not quite ready yet we decided to quiz the men on their Bible knowledge by playing Bible baseball. It took them a while to get the idea, but they soon got the idea, and really enjoyed it. Finally lunch arrived and we all ate. It was the traditional African meal of rice with a beef or chicken stew poured over the top.

After our late lunch we continued with the seminar. Bruce presented a study of the 10 plagues that God sent against the Egyptians through His servant Moses. He showed how every one of the plagues was related to one of the many gods of the Egyptians. Here the true God was showing in a pwerful way that He was more powerful than the “gods” of the Egyptians. He is not just another god. The LORD is the one and only true God!

After finishing up and concluding with prayer everyone began their trip home. Bruce had decided to stay in Etago this time and I was returning with Charles to Kisii. Charles and I had a good visit on the almost two hour trip back to Kisii. That was one nice thing about staying in Etago – I didn’t have to endure the torturous ride to and from Kisii! But, alas, we will have to do it agin tomorrow morning!

When I arrived back in Kisii, I checked in on Russ and then went to do some e-mail across the street. Then we had a late supper and worked on reports and preparation for tomorrow’s presentations.

We thank the LORD for another wonderful day of study in His word and pray that He would continue to strengthen these men for their work in leading and feeding Christ’s flock!

In His service,


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