Saturday, October 17, 2009

East Africa trip 2009

Preparations are being made for the fall visitation to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Russ Schmitt and Mission Board member Larry Hansen will also be travelling with me again this year. Here is our tentative schedule, Lord willing:

Russ, Larry, and I will be flying out of Minneapolis/St. Paul late in the afternoon on Sunday October 25th. We will have a short layover in Amsterdam where we will switch planes and will arrive in Nairobi around 9:00 pm on Monday October 26th.
We plan to visit the Nairobi branch churches October 27th through the 30th and conduct a one-day seminar for our pastors and leaders one of those days.

On October 31st we will travel south to Arusha, Tanzania to meet up with Pastor Jeremiah. We will be there November 1st through the 6th. Here we will also be conducting a one-day seminar as well as visiting Pastor Panpani's districts where the majority of our work is being done among the Masai tribes. We also hope to be able to meet with the leaders of the LCEA to discuss recent issues that have arisen there in the past year. We pray that the LORD would bless these meetings and visitations to the glory of His name!

On Saturday November 7th we will travel to back to Nairobi. On Sunday morning we hope to visit a church in Nairobi and then travel to Kisii in the afternoon. We will be visit the orphan AIDS school in Etago on November 9th and finish preparations for the Joint East African Pastoral Conference which will begin on November 10th and continue the 11th. This will be held in Kisii, Kenya, not far from the shores of Lake Victoria.

After the conference we will be continuing on with Pastor Jeremiah to Uganda to visit the brethren there. We will travel to Uganda on Nov. 12th, visit the brethren on the 13th, and on our return to Kisii visit a new contact in Mois Bridge, Kenya who has requested that we start a Lutheran Church in their village. May the LORD bless our work in this new area of Kenya!

We will be back in Kisii/Etago November 15th through 18th during which time we will be visiting congregations and conducting a one-day seminar for the leaders of the churches in the Etago area.

On November 18th we will return to Nairobi. On the night of the 19th Russ, Larry and I will be flying out of Nairobi. We will again have a several hour stop in Amsterdam, and, Lord willing will be back on the ground in Minneapolis around 1:00 on Friday November 20th.

Please keep us in your prayers during these coming weeks, and ask the LORD to give us wisdom to instruct our fellow believers in the all-important truths of His precious Word; that he would strengthen the faith of our pastors, leaders and all our people there; that He would give us strength and stamina during these very busy and long days; and that He would use this visitation, through the preaching and hearing of His Word, to increase His kingdom! May the LORD, our Trinue God, be with us and bless our faithful proclamation of His Word of Truth.

In the service of Christ,

Pastor Nathanael Mayhew

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