Tuesday, October 15, 2013

2103 Visitation

Greetings in Christ!

There have been a number of people who have been asking about my plans to visit East Africa this fall, so here is a post to give you an update.

Since last year a number of changes have taken place which affect my trip this year.  First of all, the CLC Board of Miisions called a second part time Missionary to assist in the work in East Africa and has divided up the work accordingly.  Pastor Mike Gurath was called to serve the CLC affiliated churches in Kenya and Uganda, and my call was adapted to work with the churches in Tanzania.  It is our prayer that by dividing the work in this way more will be able to be accomplished in each area.

Pastor Gurath made his visitation during the summer, and I am preparing to leave in the coming weeks.  Here is an overview of my schedule for this year:    

I will arrive in Tanzania on Friday November 1st and head to Arusha to work with Pastor Jeremiah Issangya.  
I will be in Arusha from November 1-5.  From there I will move East to Moshi to work with Pastor Ebenezer Malyi. I will be in Moshi from November 6-10.  Our General Tanzanian Pastoral Conference will be held in Makanya, Tanzania on November 12-13, hosted by Pastor Godson Mshana.  Following the Pastoral Conference I will spend one day with Pastor Mshana in His area.  The I will be heading southeast to the coast and work in the Tanga area.  I will be working with Pastor Michael Gondwe in Tanga from November 15-19.  I will return to Moshi on November 20 and return home on November 21.

I will be conducting a two day seminar in each district working with the pastors of each area.  

Please keep the Lord's work in Tanzania and our trip this year in your prayers.  There is much to do and only a little time in which to do it.  The fields are white for harvest!

In His service,
